Thursday 30 November 2006

First mission success for the FRA!

On November the 21st ,the region of Utopian islands were taken over by the imperialistic group known as Dharma Initiative. The region, a former ‘Township’ of the Global Right Alliance, gained independence following the disbanding of the Township project back in June 2006, following concerns over the stability of the project in light of the GRA’s inactivity at that time.

Utopian islands had been taken over however during its time as a Township, following a joint effort by Lone Wolves United, Children of the Grave and Invaders. Following almost of month of constant fighting, the region was finally handed back over to the remaining natives by Such Sweetness, who had ejected over 70% during her time as delegate.

Unlike the invaders who had struck Utopian islands before, the Dharma Initiative had planned on keeping the region indefinitely, making it a part of its empire.

Despite early attempts to free the region the following updates, the offensive by the FRA and its coalition containing the Red Liberty Alliance and the North Pacific Defence Force, failed. According to General Biotherm, who had been put in charge of organising the liberation attempt by the FRA Arch Chancellor Big Killer Babies, This was firstly down to lack of overall members, but also due to lack of information on this relatively unknown invader group. He also stated that the game failing to update on two occasions didn’t help the cause either.

However, on November 25th, forces from the FRA, assisted by the RLA, helped to finally retake the region and place the native delegate back in charge.

This first success was soon followed up by a second, with the successful defence and security operation being carried out within the United Communist Region. This second defence, which was dominated by FRA forces from start to finish, has seen the FRA’s first steps into the defending world being classed as an overall success by its government officials, and it is hoped more success will soon be on its way.

Sunday 19 November 2006

Revival of the CommRangers

Today it has been announced that CommRangers International will be revived in an attempt to once more clear the RMB of the Pacific’s, and those of the Rejected Realms and Lazarus, of spam.

Founded back in July 2004 by TAO within the West Pacific, shortly after its rebirth following the dictatorship of Norion, the CommRanger division saw mixed success in the region where they were born, despite gaining substantial support from the natives there. A number of natives of the West Pacific were quick to join the new program with 10 volunteers within the first month of its creation.

After TAO became deputy Prime Minister of the West Pacific following Dilber’s election as Prime Minister three months after the CommRangers program has been created, TAO was forced to hand over the control to his deputy, BIteland, who had been asked to serve as deputy to him during October of 2004.
Following this reshuffle, this saw the Commrangers grow not only numbers, but also in reputation with major efforts being made to not only keep the RMB clear of Spam, but also to educate recruiters of Jolt NS rules regarding the spamming in the Pacific’s. Most recruiters were happy to listen to the CommRangers and as a result the number of Ad’s left on the RMB fell, and those that remained kept to the rules and regulations that had been set out.

Following the appointment of Ossie Ostrich as Communication Minister in June 2005, which lead to BIteland stepping aside for him to take over the CommRangers, the Commrangers had on its books the largest number of members since its creation. Ossie Ostrich stepped down in October 2005 and was replaced by Limitless events.

Unfortunately, the Commrangers were disbanded in late 2005, early 2006 following the ‘Dominion affair’ and the resulting ‘Dominion Trials’ With disintegrating relations of the higher standing members of the West Pacific Government, a number of members left the region, including Prime Minister Dilber. His Deputy, the original founder of the Commrangers, TAO, steped up to take over the Ministers duties.

With fears of a civil War brewing, TAO calls for a third Constitutional Convention, however instead of bringing members together in an act of unity to bring the region back from the brink of disaster, its later viewed by some to be one of the main acts which brought forth the inevitable civil war. The current Delegate at that time, Eli, declares the second constitution of the West Pacific void and so, with the ending of the second Constitution, which contained the Commranger mandate, TAO announced the end of the CommRangers as an official organisation.

Despite this turn of events, TAO continued on his own quest to free the RMB’s of the entire Pacific’s and of the Rejected Realms and Lazarus. Joined by dedicated former members of the original CommRanger team, TAO proclaimed to the NS World that the CommRanger International shall be founded, with its goal to clear all RMB’s of the game regions, not only The West pacific where it was originally born.

Over the last few months, Commranger International has suffered from inactivity, however, its original ideas and the dedication it showed while attempting to keep the game regions free of spam, has resulted in independent regional forces being created, with Lazarus having one of the more successful groups.

With the reorganisation of the Commrangers International, it is hoped that soon the famous Commranger forces will once again be patrolling the feeders, keeping the adspam to an absolute minimum.

Saturday 18 November 2006

FRA Unveils Official Newsblog!

Today the Founderless Region Alliance unveiled its first official Newsblog. At a prestigious ceremony, which was attended by a number of FRA officials, the cutting of the red tape by the current Arch Chancellor, Big Killer Babies, was greeted by huge cheers from the attending crowd, which numbered over 500 specially invited guests, from member regions and beyond.

Despite only being founded in June of this year, the FRA already comprises of 5 members, two of which are founderless. Set up in order to help protect, rebuild and support founderless regions, the FRA has so far been greeted with a favourable response from the NS community, despite some questions being raised about how effective it will be in the long run.

The most questionable responses came from members of ACCEL, most notably Posul and Windsor-Bainbridge, who both stated their concerns of having such a large list of founderless regions in one place, where invaders could easily get their hands on. Despite that concern being answered by Northern Chittowa, doubt is still in the minds of certain people and it is yet to be seen if that doubt will hinder the progress of this new organisation.

The FRA has also been classed by some as just another defender organisation, with a secondary objective. This has been put down as a stereotypical response by members of the FRA, which include Northern Chittowa who had this to say, ‘Our first priority is to look after those regions which come and join this organisation. Thats what makes us different to defender groups at large’

With elections having just finished in the FRA, with all positions being contested, there is high hope that this organisation may yet prove its doubters wrong, and help rebuild those who have been all but destroyed by past invader actions.