Sunday 2 September 2007

The Big Interview: Big Killer Babys

1) Why is it that you are leaving NS?

I’m entering my final year here so its kind of make or break for me right now and I have my last track season to try and get a scholarship so I have to pull out all the stops really. Oddly universities don’t take into account your NS careers.

2) How did you first become involved in NS? What made you choose Big Killer Babys as your name?

Well, it was an offsite forum for people from my area who have internet access and too much time on their hands, and I saw a link posted there for this political sim game and decided to join up. Well Big Killer Babys was first of all a spelling mistake, and since at the time it was just a puppet I didn’t really mind. It was inspired by my cousin attacking me with a toy sword at the time I was making it.

3) What was the first region you became properly involved in?

That would be Pacific Army - I followed the trail in the regional happenings and found them. I figured they were pretty cool, and a revolutionary movement is always good fun. I followed them around for a while, drifted in the RR. Then North Pacific came calling.

4) So how was it that you became involved in North Pacific?

Well I had moved on to places like the RRA at this stage and an invasion of NP was reported, and I moved in there and ended up getting involved with the rebuilding with Talthia and Russo Principolis (Czarist duchies of the merit). This was the start of an association with that region that lasts until the present. I’ve held every position there except Minister for Justice. I was responsible for hauling it back from the brink a few times and I've been delegate there twice at this stage. I’ve made so many friends there who I hope will keep in touch. Defectivity and Idunnowhat are two people I have great affection for.

5) Is there anyone who have looked up to for inspiration in NS?

I’d have to say Talthia (NordicBearskin) in NP, and people like Eurosoviets of ASE and RLA fame on the defending side of things. TAO of TWP and Flemingovia of TNP are two I always held in admiration, for just being incredibly intelligent and charismatic.

6) How do you think that NS has changed during your time playing it? Is this change for the better or the worse?

In terms of the rules I feel the influence change has certainly been a change for the worse - it made it easier for the mods, but so would turning the game off. It has made it harder for people to gain power and for those in power to lose it. I think people need to come together to discuss alternatives to the rules we now have, but in terms of the change in people, I feel the feeders have become more elitist. They are the most important regions in the game, but unfortunately it seems to be going to their heads a little.

7) How long do you think NS can survive for, with the competition from CN?

Well NS is dying but it is not dying as fast as some people think. I see a lot of my friends from NS and people I knew in my time leaving and I think this creates a false impression of the demise of NS. It is definitely in decline but there are pockets of activity in newer regions. The problem is these regions have not come to the fore and carved their own identities the way regions like Nasicournia, The Merit and Equilism did, but they are active - they just need to be encouraged to become more involved in the wider NS world. Also, the feeders need to start taking responsibility for the game and start causing some drama. They hold the power, now they need to use it to kick start the game.

8) What are you most proud of/most ashamed of in your time in NS?

I am most proud of my contribution to North Pacific and my involvement in creating the FRA. I am not ashamed of anything, I never do anything wrong.

9) How do you think the FRA will fair after your departure?

I personally feel it will fail without me, I mean come on I’ve been holding it up for the last year lol. No the FRA will be fine, its got great potential and all it needs to do is to keep working on bringing regions in to increase its capabilities on the battlefield. Northern Chittowa is a very capable leader and there’s some very active players willing to help out.

10) Are there any rumours/interesting pieces of gossip that you can tell us now that you are quitting?

Nah, I'd rather not let anything out right now just in case I want to come back lol.

11) You've known NC for a long time now - what is your take on the homosexuality rumours?

Totally and utterly true.

12) Will you rule out a return to NS, or can we live in hope that you occasionally pop in to visit us again?

I hope to return next year after my finals but I’m not sure if I will still have the interest I once had. So we will wait and see what happens.