Wednesday 3 September 2008

Revelations Rock the Cabinet

After what started as an extremely promising term for the new cabinet of the Founderless Regions Alliance at the beginning of July, they have been hit mid-term by the resignations of both the hardworking Regional Development Minister, Pope Lexus X, and the Speaker of the Regional Assembly, Thandryn.

It was widely acknowledged by the F.R.A. leadership that the formerly expelled Pope Lexus X had single-handedly kickstarted the Regional Development Department from the inactive rutt it had been in arguably for the entirety of the F.R.A's life thus far. The usually desolate office was flourishing with multiple regional projects being overseen by a selection of dedicated and experienced Regional Development Clerks. Thus the announcement of both the resignation and retirement from the alliance for the indefinate future from the now respected minister came as a complete surprise. Lexus was quick to settle concerns that his reasons for resigning were more sinister in his retirement announcement, stating that: "This isn't as a result of any disagreements over people or policies, it is entirely selfish, I am bored."

The Norfolk 'n Chance Standard mourns the loss of this effective Minister, and hopes he might one day return to the alliance. Nonetheless, we wish him the best of luck for the future in both NationStates and Real Life.

Under quite different circumstances, the Regional Assembly recieved the resignation of it's Speaker, Thandryn, after he had been allegedely reprimanded by F.R.A. local tyrant Drop Your Pants for his inconsistent activity. The Speaker had failed on multiple occasions to complete his duties for the Assembly and as such the question of his impeachment was coming to minds of many alliance members. It later came to light that their concerns were not unfounded but misplaced when Thandryn was expelled from the F.R.A. organisation for espionage. In a statement released by the Deputy Commander of the Rangers, Falconias, Thandryn was unmasked as a spy from The European Empire. When queried by the Norfolk 'n Chance Standard about how these events transpired behind closed doors, Arch Chancellor Sedge maintained the official policy line set by the Ranger Command stating "We aren't making the evidence [against Thandryn] public yet." It is thought that the evidence held by the F.R.A. leadership will be released during Thandryn's trial in his home member region of New Sorvun. Naturally the Norfolk 'n Chance Standard will bring it's readers more in depth coverage of these events as they come into the public domain.

Snap elections are now in full swing for the two vacant cabinet positions, with numerous nominees for both offices. Full coverage of both elections will be published at their conclusion. We wish all candidates the best of luck.

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