Monday 18 December 2006

Unification talks begin in Equilism

Westwind, the tyrannical leader who came to power via a military coup in October, has publicly announced that steps are being taken to reunite the region of Equilism with its ‘sister’ region, The Commonwealth of Equilism, which was founded by the exiled former government.

Westwind, who announced on 13th December that he had granted a member of the exiled government, Chaucerin, access to the founder nation, had previously ruled Equilism with an iron fist and was reluctant to even discuss the coup before this announcement.

Stating that the region ‘need[ed] leadership with purpose [and] Leadership that ensures the survival and progress of the region’ Westwind placed Equilism under martial law, ejecting several members of the official government, including the elected President, Neo-Conservatism. Despite numerous objections to the ‘Imperial Government’ over the ejections and the enforced dictatorship, Westwind continued to state that ‘It is my responsibility to ensure the well-being of the region, a responsibility that I take seriously. We have been falling into obscurity, and our discussions have been like a hamster in it's wheel; going nowhere.’

Within hours of the Coup, condemnation began to rain down on Westwind and his Imperial Government, with the likes of Canada and Genosha ceasing all relations with the region.

Both Neo-Conservatism and WestWind have heralded theses new talks however as the beginning of a new era for Equilism, which have been reported as being ‘respectful, productive and progressive.’ One of the more controversial issues however, which has already been raised is the fact that no members of the Imperial Government who organisaed the coup, will be punished for their acts. Neo-Conservatism stated his belief that he’ always thought their actions were an aberration and that they would eventually come to see their mistake.’ He went on to admit that he still had great respect for many of the members of the Imperial Government and that ‘The last thing we need are a bloody series of trials assigning blame’

The announcement however did not come without conflict, with Restored Othalla questioning what the Government in Exile had ‘gave up’ in order to help these talks along, ‘until now the only one who seems to have been giving is Imperial Equilism. Your status was returned to YOU, YOU got your ban lifted and YOU got control over the Founder Nation. Now I would like to ask what haveYOU been giving, because so far you have only been taking.’

Despite certain quarrels between members and visiting diplomats, its hoped that Equilism will soon return to its ‘classical self’, a region which supports equality for all.

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