Friday 5 January 2007

Peace in Equilism

Following extensive negotiations by members of the Imperial Equilism and the Government in exile, WestWind and Neo-Conservatism today announced the reunification of the two factions.

Late last year, as reported in the NNC Standard, Equilism was subject to a coup by the nation of Westwind and his supporters, who set about establishing ‘Imperial Equilism’ in an attempt to return the region to its former glory. Only two months into the new regime, Westwind announced in early December that he was willing to hold talks with Neo-Conservatism and other representatives of the Exiled Government, with the goal of reuniting the region once again.

While many were quite sceptical at first at Westwinds proposal, they soon came to see that he was genuine in his intentions as the ‘Round Table’ discussions soon bustled with activity.

Just after 1:00 this morning, Neo-Conservatism announced to the public what they had been waiting to hear since discussions began, that the talks had been highly successful and reunification was around the corner, ‘Nearly three years to the day that Equilism was founded, it is our great privilege to announce the creation of The Realm of Equilism. Members of both Imperial Equilism and the Government in Exile have undertaken exhaustive negotiations, which have finally culminated in the creation of the Realm.’

Detailing the proposal that will united Equilism, Neo-Conservatism stated some drastic changes, which yet could prove to be quite controversial, but is also viewed as the only way in which Equilism can move forward. Among these changes are the abolishment of the old Commonwealth and its respective titles. In its place is ‘The Realm of Equilism’ which consists of ‘College of Equilism’ as its ruling body.

Both Westwind and Neo-Conservatism have publicly stated that there is no ill feeling towards each other and their only goal now is to move the region along once again. In a short speech, Neo stated, ‘The region has been through much over the past few months, but today marks the dawn of a new era of Equilism. We must come to together as we have always done to help craft a new Equilism both new in structure yet old in principle. We’ve got a quite a lot of work in front of us in the ensuing weeks and months—together, let’s get to work on building our future together.’

News of the reunification soon spread across Nationstates, with many congratulating both factions on bringing an end to this unfortunate incident in a civilised manner. Canada6 of Canada today stated that his ‘[F]aith in Equilism has been restored’ and immediately went to work to convince the cabinet of Canada to once more open diplomatic relations with the ‘fine region’ of Equilism.

Scandinavian Duchies, Delegate of Alpha Omega and Deputy Praetor of The New Meritocracy, also sang the praises of those involved in reuniting the region, ‘It is a true pleasure to see the reunification of this fine region. My best wishes for the future go to every citizen of the Realm of Equilism.’

While the reunification project is still in its early stages of development, there is high hopes that the once free and democratic region will once again become something to look up to.

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