Sunday 2 September 2007

The Big Interview: Big Killer Babys

1) Why is it that you are leaving NS?

I’m entering my final year here so its kind of make or break for me right now and I have my last track season to try and get a scholarship so I have to pull out all the stops really. Oddly universities don’t take into account your NS careers.

2) How did you first become involved in NS? What made you choose Big Killer Babys as your name?

Well, it was an offsite forum for people from my area who have internet access and too much time on their hands, and I saw a link posted there for this political sim game and decided to join up. Well Big Killer Babys was first of all a spelling mistake, and since at the time it was just a puppet I didn’t really mind. It was inspired by my cousin attacking me with a toy sword at the time I was making it.

3) What was the first region you became properly involved in?

That would be Pacific Army - I followed the trail in the regional happenings and found them. I figured they were pretty cool, and a revolutionary movement is always good fun. I followed them around for a while, drifted in the RR. Then North Pacific came calling.

4) So how was it that you became involved in North Pacific?

Well I had moved on to places like the RRA at this stage and an invasion of NP was reported, and I moved in there and ended up getting involved with the rebuilding with Talthia and Russo Principolis (Czarist duchies of the merit). This was the start of an association with that region that lasts until the present. I’ve held every position there except Minister for Justice. I was responsible for hauling it back from the brink a few times and I've been delegate there twice at this stage. I’ve made so many friends there who I hope will keep in touch. Defectivity and Idunnowhat are two people I have great affection for.

5) Is there anyone who have looked up to for inspiration in NS?

I’d have to say Talthia (NordicBearskin) in NP, and people like Eurosoviets of ASE and RLA fame on the defending side of things. TAO of TWP and Flemingovia of TNP are two I always held in admiration, for just being incredibly intelligent and charismatic.

6) How do you think that NS has changed during your time playing it? Is this change for the better or the worse?

In terms of the rules I feel the influence change has certainly been a change for the worse - it made it easier for the mods, but so would turning the game off. It has made it harder for people to gain power and for those in power to lose it. I think people need to come together to discuss alternatives to the rules we now have, but in terms of the change in people, I feel the feeders have become more elitist. They are the most important regions in the game, but unfortunately it seems to be going to their heads a little.

7) How long do you think NS can survive for, with the competition from CN?

Well NS is dying but it is not dying as fast as some people think. I see a lot of my friends from NS and people I knew in my time leaving and I think this creates a false impression of the demise of NS. It is definitely in decline but there are pockets of activity in newer regions. The problem is these regions have not come to the fore and carved their own identities the way regions like Nasicournia, The Merit and Equilism did, but they are active - they just need to be encouraged to become more involved in the wider NS world. Also, the feeders need to start taking responsibility for the game and start causing some drama. They hold the power, now they need to use it to kick start the game.

8) What are you most proud of/most ashamed of in your time in NS?

I am most proud of my contribution to North Pacific and my involvement in creating the FRA. I am not ashamed of anything, I never do anything wrong.

9) How do you think the FRA will fair after your departure?

I personally feel it will fail without me, I mean come on I’ve been holding it up for the last year lol. No the FRA will be fine, its got great potential and all it needs to do is to keep working on bringing regions in to increase its capabilities on the battlefield. Northern Chittowa is a very capable leader and there’s some very active players willing to help out.

10) Are there any rumours/interesting pieces of gossip that you can tell us now that you are quitting?

Nah, I'd rather not let anything out right now just in case I want to come back lol.

11) You've known NC for a long time now - what is your take on the homosexuality rumours?

Totally and utterly true.

12) Will you rule out a return to NS, or can we live in hope that you occasionally pop in to visit us again?

I hope to return next year after my finals but I’m not sure if I will still have the interest I once had. So we will wait and see what happens.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Various pieces of news

Greater Farnham has reversed his decision to stand down as Chairperson of Hethrum. There was recently an attempted invasion of the region, and he has decided it would be best to stay on.

More applications - the FRA continues to expand, with applications from Cingeta and Lichentia received this week.

The embassies with The NPF and Red Sox Nation have been closed.

A possible treaty with the COFR is under discussion.

Debates are underway in the Regional Assembly about organising the Assembly, and changing the types of membership available to regions, to entice those that are less keen on defending.

Northern Chittowa has been demanding reports from the members of the Cabinet, which will be published shortly. Falconias has asked that certain parts of his report are censored, leading Sanzar to speculate that our Intel Officer had 'found evidence NC was gay'. NC has described the claims about his sexuality as 'a pack of lies', although they refuse to go away.

More details about all these stories, in particular the last one, will appear in the next update.

Friday 10 August 2007

Northern Chittowa finally comes out

The news that we had all expected to hear has finally arrived. Northern Chittowa, the Arch Chancellor of the FRA, and member of such regions as the GRA, Lazarus, and GB&I, has finally come out of the closet. The COFR Herald, written by Jivdom, a close and trusted friend of 'NC', reported the following:
Prominent Nationstates personality Northern Chittowa inadvertently came out of the closet in the GRA.
Jivdom said that his evidence came the GRA having 2 Citizenship threads, and "he used the one that I declared to be gay... I assumed he was trying to tell us something...".
Northern Chittowa has refused to deny the claims, which have only served to fuel the speculation that Jivdom's 'outing' is genuine. Additionally, he has turned down the chance to 'prove' his heterosexuality by taking the 'Gay test' ( ), and a well-placed source alleged that he had in fact already taken the test, but refused to post the results, as they were "as close as you can get to 100% without being Elton John".
Reactions from the wider NS World have generally been receptive, although Pidgeon Island of the GRA was overheard muttering about lynching. One important figure in the FRA reacted by exclaiming that he has never known that NC has been in the closet, which has led some to believe that he has been leading a double life, with a presence in the well-known NationStates region 'Gay'.

Tuesday 10 July 2007


I haven't updated the blog nearly as much as I hoped I would when I was elected to Communications Minister. This is partly as I haven't had the time, but also because it is hard to make posts which are not similar to the updates which are sent out - if this blog was just a repetition of the updates I wrote, then there would be no point in its existence. Additionally, there has not been much news recently, as the FRA has been quietly been going about its job, and the Arch Chancellor, Northern Chittowa, has been away recently. However, when news does come up, I will get around to posting it here.

Friday 29 June 2007

New members

Hethrum and Democracy have both joined the FRA, being voted in unanimously. They increase the FRA's membership to 8 regions.

Other news includes Hallsta taking over as Regional Recruitment Officer (as Falconias decided to concentrate on intel), and attempts have been made to sort out the Mission Logs of the Rangers, which have not been updated recently.

Sunday 24 June 2007

Latest News

Well the elections are over, and have resulted in the following people being elected:

Arch Chancellor - Northern Chittowa
Army Commander - Gateborg
Intel Officer - Falconias
Diplomatic Officer - Big Killer Babys
Region Recruitment Officer - Falconias
Communications Minister - Sedge

This means that we have a change of leadership at the top, with NC replacing BKB, who decided not to run for AC. It is hoped that this will result in the Cabinet members becoming more active than before, and that the FRA will increase its involvement in regional development.

It seems likely that Hallsta (the runner up for Diplomatic Officer) is going to take over the Regional Recruitment Officer position from Falconias, who was elected to 2 positions.

Finally, a couple of applications for membership have been received, firstly from Democracy, and secondly from Hethrum, which was in the interesting position of having its founder residing in another region. However, its founder has now CTEd.

Sunday 17 June 2007

New Leadership

Yes, since my election as Communications minister, this blog is under new leadership. I aim to make it more active than before, with hopefully several posts a week. Although I'm also responsible for writing updates, which are posted to embassies, I want this blog to take a different tone. For a start, there is a limit to how much someone will read in a regional update, whereas in thib blog, I can go into more detail on subjects. Additionally, I can take a slightly more light-hearted approach on this blog. Finally, I may even put the occasional opinion into my posts.

So essentially, this blog should become much more active in the future. If you have any comments on anything I write, then please contact me with them.

Wednesday 4 April 2007

And the Winner is…

Written by BKB

Everyone but me it seemed. Northern Chittowa, the organiser of the event, thanked “all of you who have taken a part in this and helped make it the success it has been.” He stated that “These awards were created in order to give a sense of pride to defenders and basically to have a bit of fun while doing it!”

The first award to be presented was the Eurosoviets award which was presented to a runaway winner Dipes (You want me Now) (Thousand Voices). Dipes accepted this award himself saying “Oooh! I feel so honoured!” Next was the Ananke award for who spend their own time looking out for any invasions that are taking place. This was presented to a very deserving winner valturias. TITO deservedly picked up the next two awards, one being the Anarchotopia Award for the Organisation which has proved the most successful in preventing invasions And the other The Eagles Disobey award for a particular region which has done its utmost to keep free regions free. Jesioneka had the first word on these two awards saying on behalf of TITO that”Every defender organization here fights the good fight day in, day out. To be selected by our peers in such a way is perhaps the highest recognition we can receive as an organization.”

The lovely invaders of Lone Wolves United celebrated their victory in the Blackbird Award. Limitless Events accepted the award with the words “Hey! It's just a signed picture of Blackbird, and I already have one of those *walks off muttering about Scar's obsession with Blackbird*” Reports that LE was later beaten up in a nearby alleyway by someone sporting an RLA jacket could not be confirmed. The Most Reliable Updater Award went to someone who thoroughly deserved such an honour, Valturias took home his second award.

Dipes also had to walk the walk again to accept the Operation of the Year award. Dipes in his acceptance speech stated “I think Iraq sums up what the FRA is all about in the defending side of the organisation. It brought together defenders from all corners of NS, fought back against dirty tactics of opponents and resulted in the region being refounded by a long time native thus ensuring its safety in the long run.”

Arch Chancellor BKB, looking rather dashing in a rather sharp suit accepted the next two awards for FRA, the defender unity award and the best newcomer award. He began his speech by saying “Thanks once again for this honour and im very proud to receive this award on behalf on all those that worked so hard. This award is really a dedication to the people who helped us out over the past few months. You know who you are.” Unfortunately he had to be dragged off stage by Northern Chittowa after BKB refused to leave the stage until he was given his own personal award.

The next award created a lot of interest and two players could not be separated Pope Hope and Grub both won the Lifetime achievement award. The next award for the worst invasion went to The Amarican's Invasion of Gatesville! Unfortunately no Amaricans could be found to accept it. The International Cynic award went to Blackbird and he good humouredly accepted his award. Finally the Best Defender Quote went to a tie also and the winners were Lanna and SilentVoice. If you want more information on this event or merely want to get involved in the build up for next years awards please contact Northern Chittowa or register here:

Sunday 25 February 2007

Successful start for Defender Awards

After months of planning the First Annual Defender Awards got off to a successful start this week, which has resulted in a very busy time for the organisers. Following a period of promotion, the FRA forums have been inundated with people from all sides of the Nationstates spectrum, ranging from past defenders and invaders to current ones.

With all awards bar one being contested, one of the awards which has gained the most interest is the Lifetime Achievement Award for Dedication to Defending, which has seen 10 nations already reaching the required quota with still another week left before the nomination period closes.

With invaders also being allowed to participate in this year’s award ceremony, it has allowed for some interesting choices to be made for certain awards. The Blackbird Award for the Invader group which is viewed by the community as the greatest of last year for whatever reason, has seen the usual names being put up for vote, such as the DEN and Lone Wolves United. This year has also seen the rise to fame of Catlandatopia who have carved out a reputation for being ruthless invaders, often gaining a superior amount of nations to that of the defending force. Despite being attributed to the destruction of a number of regions, Catlandatopia has also helped out a number of regions by helping them to refound.

Northern Chittowa, the organiser of the event has stated how pleased he is with the turnout so far, and hopes for the initial success to continue, ‘It has been an amazing turnout thus far. I have been pleasantly surprised at how well it is doing just now, and with another week of nominations yet to start, I am very hopeful now of this not only being a successful event this year, but also for the years to come.’

Northern Chittowa, who has found himself nominated for the Lifetime Achievement Award has also hinted at possible changes to be made for next time, ‘With these being the first of its kind for the Defender world, and the first I have organised myself, there were always going to be a few teething problems and that’s the case. There are things which can be improved slightly and awards which should be changed or introduced’

With the excitement now building with only one week left for nominations, those who have already been added to the ballot have been left to hope that luck is on their side come voting day.

Tuesday 13 February 2007

First Annual Defender Awards announced

Today the Founderless Regions Alliance (FRA) announced its intention to hold the first annual defender awards on its forums. Despite a date yet to be set for the awards, the FRA has announced that it is ready to start receiving nominations within a week.

The brainchild of the FRA, The Defender Awards is the first of its kind to be held by defenders, and it is hoped that it will soon become an annual event. Northern Chittowa, the organiser of the event, today stated his excitement about the awards, ‘These awards wont be like any other that have been held in NS. We have been planning this for some time now, discussing what awards should be included as well as what should be left out. We are now left with a set of awards designed not only for show, but also pride.’

In January 2007, Invaders originally tried to hold the first Invader Awards, however due to lack of organisation, promotion and interest from the parties involved, it soon faded and has yet to be completed. Many sceptics of the awards have asked how the defenders own brand will be any different, and have stated their concerns that this is just be a publicity stunt for the FRA and Defenders in general. Northern Chittowa has strongly denied this by stating, ‘This is in no way, shape or form a stunt, but a way to award those who have done a great service to the defender cause.’ He went on to say, ‘The mistakes of the Invader Awards have been taken on during the discussions for ours and we have already taken steps to ensure that this one shall be successful.’

With the stage for the awards already having been set up on the FRA forums, all that is left, according to its organisers, are the people who will make it a success. ‘What we need now, are people from all across the spectrum of NS, ranging from defenders, to neutrals and invaders as well. We want this to be a success, and the only way it will be one, is if people take an active part.’

With awards ranging from the Lifetime Achievement award, to The International Cynic award, there are 13 overall awards which can be won. Despite a date having to yet be announced for the nomination period to start, the FRA are already encouraging people to begin to sign up to their forums at and to begin to think who they would like to nominate for what award. While the Award forums are read only at the moment, visitors are encouraged to take part in any of the activities taking place on the forums at the time.

While there is scepticism as to how successful this award ceremony shall be, it is hoped by many that it will be a success and the awards shall become an annual event, of which defenders will take pride of being involved in.

Wednesday 7 February 2007

New King in Lazarus!

This week has seen major change in the region of Lazarus. On the 2nd of February, Queen Harmoneia stated it was her intention to abdicate the throne, stating that her once dormant defender itch had become active once again. ‘It has been quite a while and it's been my second time as Delegate, but we all know, that everything comes to an end, so would my term… I do not want the region to lay dormant because of my RL, I want someone who has more time to devote to Lazarus. Another is, I miss defending, and I'm having a defender itch again, so, sorry about that.’

This day of great sadness at the ‘passing on’ of a great Queen was also a day of great joy as we welcomed to the throne her successor, the former Regent Dezzland. Dezzland, who has been a very active and vocal member of the Lazarus community since joining in June of last year, is also very active within Great Britain and Ireland and The West Pacific, performing the tasks of a citizen and a senator respectively.

Dezzland has since declared himself extremely proud at the opportunity to lead the Lazarus into a new dawn, stating his belief that despite being so young in regards to Nationstates politics, he has ‘complete confidence in the Chamber and Council.’

In the midst of this change, elections are currently being held in order to determine the next High Chamber of Lazarus. So far it has been a very active election period, with all positions open for election.

Standing for the Steward of Emerald City, Dipes has announced his intent to run again. During his time as Steward, he has tried to reorganised a once neglected sector of the region. His plans for next term include the explusion of inactive Council members.

Northern Chittowa and Emperor Matthuis have both decided to stand for the position of Advocate of Foreign Enticement. This has led to each providing a detailed manifesto in which a number of different ideas have been stated. Most notably, both have stated their intent to further review Lazarus’s current allies, which still include the new dead region of Q102. Emperor Matthuisis early favourite for this position however due to his performance since being elected to that position last elections.

For Guardian of the Realm two well known and experienced members have decided to stand to replace the current minister Posul, who has decided against running for another term. Due to both candidates having a great deal of experience on the battlefield, it is hoped that whoever wins will be able to transform the fortunes of the so far unlucky Emerald Legion.

Finally we have the Director of Public Relations, once again being challenged by Northern Chittowa and Emperor Matthuis. Northern Chittowa, the current DoPR is the favourite to retain his position and has stated his aim to bring more news to Lazarus shores, as well as to bring in new players as well.

Friday 5 January 2007

Peace in Equilism

Following extensive negotiations by members of the Imperial Equilism and the Government in exile, WestWind and Neo-Conservatism today announced the reunification of the two factions.

Late last year, as reported in the NNC Standard, Equilism was subject to a coup by the nation of Westwind and his supporters, who set about establishing ‘Imperial Equilism’ in an attempt to return the region to its former glory. Only two months into the new regime, Westwind announced in early December that he was willing to hold talks with Neo-Conservatism and other representatives of the Exiled Government, with the goal of reuniting the region once again.

While many were quite sceptical at first at Westwinds proposal, they soon came to see that he was genuine in his intentions as the ‘Round Table’ discussions soon bustled with activity.

Just after 1:00 this morning, Neo-Conservatism announced to the public what they had been waiting to hear since discussions began, that the talks had been highly successful and reunification was around the corner, ‘Nearly three years to the day that Equilism was founded, it is our great privilege to announce the creation of The Realm of Equilism. Members of both Imperial Equilism and the Government in Exile have undertaken exhaustive negotiations, which have finally culminated in the creation of the Realm.’

Detailing the proposal that will united Equilism, Neo-Conservatism stated some drastic changes, which yet could prove to be quite controversial, but is also viewed as the only way in which Equilism can move forward. Among these changes are the abolishment of the old Commonwealth and its respective titles. In its place is ‘The Realm of Equilism’ which consists of ‘College of Equilism’ as its ruling body.

Both Westwind and Neo-Conservatism have publicly stated that there is no ill feeling towards each other and their only goal now is to move the region along once again. In a short speech, Neo stated, ‘The region has been through much over the past few months, but today marks the dawn of a new era of Equilism. We must come to together as we have always done to help craft a new Equilism both new in structure yet old in principle. We’ve got a quite a lot of work in front of us in the ensuing weeks and months—together, let’s get to work on building our future together.’

News of the reunification soon spread across Nationstates, with many congratulating both factions on bringing an end to this unfortunate incident in a civilised manner. Canada6 of Canada today stated that his ‘[F]aith in Equilism has been restored’ and immediately went to work to convince the cabinet of Canada to once more open diplomatic relations with the ‘fine region’ of Equilism.

Scandinavian Duchies, Delegate of Alpha Omega and Deputy Praetor of The New Meritocracy, also sang the praises of those involved in reuniting the region, ‘It is a true pleasure to see the reunification of this fine region. My best wishes for the future go to every citizen of the Realm of Equilism.’

While the reunification project is still in its early stages of development, there is high hopes that the once free and democratic region will once again become something to look up to.